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A visit to London - powtórka z lekcji angielskiego

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Chcesz w ciekawy sposób sprawdzić, czy uczniowie pamiętają co znajduje się w Londynie?
Jednym ze sposobów jest wycieczka w to miejsce, rozmowa z przewodnikiem i prezentacja zabytków.

A dialogue between a guide and two visitors. Revision of cultural information about the most famous places in London. Suitable for students who want to get an additional mark.

Guide, Visitor 1 , Visitor 2
G: Well, good afternoon!
V.1 : Good afternoon.
V.2: Hello!
G: Here you are in London, one of the best known places in the world. What are you interested in?
V.1: We would like to see some famous buildings.
V.2: I’m interested in history of this city, too.
G: So you are in the right place. First of all, I would like to invite you to have a look at the Houses of Parliament.
V.1: Excuse me, please. Is it the place where the Government meets?
G: That’s right, here members of British Government meet every session.
Now, let’s follow to another attraction- it is the tower of Big Ben
V.2: Does it strike the hours?
G.: Yes, but Big Ben is really the name of the bell which strikes the hours, not, the clock.. Let me call your attention to another building, Westminster Abbey.
V1.: What can we see there?
G.: Well, this is the only place where you can see a thousand years of English History.
V.2: What does it mean?
G.: There are tombs of Kings and Queens, the coronation chair and monuments of famous English writers.
V.1: Excuse me, is there any park near here?
G.: Certainly, there is. I’m sure you will be impressed by the beauty of St. Jame’s Park.
V.1: Is it the place where a lake is in the middle ?
G.: Oh, your information is correct. You can have a rest there every time you feel tired after hours of sight-seeing.
V.2: Is it possible to see the Changing of the Guard in front of Buckingham Palace?
G.: Let me see ( looks at the watch), if we hurry up, we will have the possibility to see it, because it takes place at 11.300 every morning.
V.1: So, let’s move there.
G.: Oh, yes, but than I invite you to see Trafalgar Square, to look at Nelson on his tall column, at the four fountains with their blue water.
V.2: Do English people meet at 5 pm to have a cup of tea?
G.: Well, most people do. We could also drop into a cafe to try English tea. I invite you there.
V.1: Thank you.
V. 2: With a pleasure. Let’s go .

autor: Lucyna Maruszewska

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